
Call me naive, but I just don't understand how university officials can be such, well, jerks. I suppose it's my general faith in the goodness of humans…


These days, it seems there’s no stopping the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Just months after its successful effort to organize adjuncts at Pace University, the state’s largest…


by Chris Cumo The American Federation of Teachers, part of the AFL-CIO, issued its first report on part-time faculty in 1979 and has since been active in recruiting adjuncts…


By P.D. Lesko We're back from a much-needed summer break. Every August, we close the office and spend time with friends and family. My family and I…

NYSUT, an AFT/NEA affiliate, organized the 1,000 part-time faculty at Pace University in 2004. I wrote about Pace's adjunct faculty union and its trials and tribulations here.…

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