Ivory Tower
by Richard Vedder As a professor who has spent over 90 percent of my half-century career in higher education at public universities, it was for decades a matter of.
by Daniel deVise For the first time, more women than men in the United States received doctoral degrees last year, the culmination of decades of change in the status of.
[private] by Tim Clement The Web cam imbroglio involving the Lower Merion School District has rightfully raised issues of privacy. But there’s an education-related point to be made, too: Laptops.
by J.B. Schramm first printed in the New York Times on 12/22/09 The federal government is about to make a huge investment in high school. As part of the American.
[private] by Tamar Lewin An Israeli entrepreneur with decades of experience in international education plans to start the first global, tuition-free Internet university, a nonprofit venture he has named the.
by Loye Young Editor’s Note: In mid-November, 2008, Loye Young was dismissed from his position as a part-time faculty member at Texas A & M International University. Young had told.