The Last Word

This issue of the magazine includes some of my favorite profiles and interviews published over the past decade. Often, readers who subscribe are disappointed to find out…

by P.D. Lesko Everyone hurries through certain tasks. I hurry through brushing my hair sometimes in the morning if I am up late. I pay for it,…

  Over at the American Association of University Professors, it’s election season. The candidates for the presidency are Dr. Cary Nelson and Mr. Thomas E. Guild, J.D..…

In December 2007, the Yardly Consulting Group delivered its strategic assessment of graduate programs at the University of Idaho to university president Timothy P. White. According to…

by P.D. Lesko It seems ages since I wrote my column. I know that for many of you, this issue of Adjunct Advocate marks a return to…

Look at the page preceding this one, and you will find yet another fabulous Matt Hall cartoon. Matt and I work together to come up with concepts…


I have been thinking about what it means to be a college faculty member. What does it mean to accept the responsibility of educating young people (not…

Ward Churchill. Have you heard of him? My guess is that you have. Way back in 2001, this tenured professor made some comments about the World Trade…


(Note: This piece contains examples of bold-faced and unapologetic plagiarism. If that kind of thing bothers you, stop here.) Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family…


This issue marks the third time the Adjunct Advocate has devoted an entire issue` to the theme of “colleagues abroad.” Our first “colleagues abroad” issue was published…

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