Lesko Blog

I just finished doing something I do every Monday (well, every day, really) browsing news pieces about part-time faculty. In particular, I am interested in what college…

Last Friday, we added an absolutely wonderful podcast interview with Smokey Thomas, President of OPSEU. In the 20 minute interview, Thomas talks at length about the union's…

[private]I read the AAUP's magazine, Academe, faithfully. I had a very cordial relationship with Dr. Mary Burgan, the long-time General Secretary of AAUP. Mary and I had…

In the November 14th issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education sitting on my desk, the following headline is splashed across the front page: "Use of Part-Time…

I am presenting at the March 2009 National Council of English Teacher's CCCCs Conference in San Francisco. I just visited the NCTE's web site and used their…

AFT's Craig Smith is at it again. On July 17th, he "discovered" the book Managing Adjunct Faculty, a book published by our company the Part-Time Press. We…

Well, election day is drawing near, and my bid for a City Council seat on my small town of Ann Arbor, Michigan is drawing to a close.…

On June 23rd, I was asked to run for City Council in the town where I live, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Needless to say, I have been busy.…

For the past week, I have been on holiday with my family in California. Family from Italy is visiting, and we all decided to take a trip…

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