Colleagues Abroad


The Ontario Public Service Employees Union has kicked off a campaign to change the law that bars part-time college staff from unionizing. “Ontario is the only province…

FURIOUS PART-TIME LECTURERS at the Open University in Milton Keynes, England, have forced their union to rethink a pay settlement they believe has sold them out. They…

Chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee found favor with part-time teachers in the state-aided colleges across Bengal when the government decided to take up a proposal to enhance their…

Part-time lecturers in Korea belong to the low-income sector and their welfare status is worrisome, lawmakers recently said, citing data provided during October’s National Assembly inspection hearings.…


by Christopher Cumo In Canada, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) represents full-time faculty, and roughly equal numbers of sessionals (part-time fac-ulty) and graduate students, estimates…


This issue marks the second time we have looked at the use of part-time faculty in countries other than the United States. The first time, in the…

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