

Ideally, union membership will benefit all members equally. It’s a simple system, in theory: faculty unionize, pay dues, and bargain collectively. Everyone benefits. In practice, however, particularly…


by Jeffrey M. Freedman Travel writing serves the indispensable need to transport readers, through vivid description and narratives, to foreign locales that they have either not been…


by TomBentley What if rulers from a far-off land insisted that all subjects eat an allegedly beneficial imported cheese with a complex, challenging flavor? And what if…


by Evelyn Beck As an English teacher who has devoted countless nights and weekends, not to mention my formerly keen eyesight, to grading student papers, I have…


by John D. Edwards AACE JOURNAL (AACEJ) The Journal of Online Learning Research (JOLR) is a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the theoretical, empirical, and pragmatic understanding…

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