1 Year Individual Subscription


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1-Year Digital Subscription for Individuals

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With the pace of changes in higher education and the challenges related to instruction that teaching faculty are expected to tackle, can you afford not to read AdjunctNation? A 1-year subscription to the only magazine just for teaching faculty costs $25.

  • For almost three decades, AdjunctNation.com has been all about teaching, community, connection and news reporting on the professional needs and concerns of the Adjunct Faculty Nation. AdjunctNation aims very high, editorially. The site’s writers dig for the stories that need to be told, and provide news, analysis, opinion, culture & more that focuses on the people, issues and interests that are vital to higher education and the Adjunct Nation community of teaching faculty.

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“AdjunctNation is the most thorough and wide-ranging Website for contingent faculty, a glossy Web site that features advertising, but also succeeds at addressing the teaching and the political concerns of part-time faculty. It is also an extensive site, and a source of a wealth of information about jobs, teaching, publications, and union activity.” —Dr. James C. McDonald


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