

by Tina Trent As the legislative session begins, so begins two annual, highly publicized tantrums: Tenured faculty at Florida research universities, who earn an average of $98,907…

by Pauline Tama An English teacher at Algonquin College is leading Ontario’s 17,000 part-time and temporary college workers in a fight to win the same rights as…

by Keith Hoeller Since the 1970s, America�s colleges and universities have been increasing their use of low-wage, low benefit adjunct professors who teach without any job security.…


Ideally, union membership will benefit all members equally. It’s a simple system, in theory: faculty unionize, pay dues, and bargain collectively. Everyone benefits. In practice, however, particularly…

AFTER A CONTENTIOUS election last March, the president of the NYU/New School University adjuncts union resigned this fall, creating a new dispute over the vice president’s claim…

Part-time instructors at Prairie State College in Illinois said they are confident they will organize into a union. The question is when—and what organization will represent them.…

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