Chronicle of Higher Education


The Chronicle Faces Rough Seas I read with interest Chris Cumo’s article on The Chronicle in your July/August 2004 issue. Several things have changed since Chris interviewed…


by P.D. Lesko In this issue of the magazine, we take a look at The Chronicle of Higher Education. The newspaper, which has been covering higher education…


Lettori Win Again But Fear Houdini Tactics The information necessary to disprove the claims in David Petrie’s (Jan/Feb 2002) response to Domenico Pacitti’s “Lettori Win Again But…


by Mark J. Drozdowski and P.D. Lesko The Chronicle of Higher Education 49 issues per year, Subscription rate: $75 per year; six month subscription $40.50, 1255 Twenty-Third Street, NW, Washington,…


by P.D. Lesko AdjunctNation will have been advocating on behalf of the nation's non-tenured faculty for 21 years this September. I am pleased and proud of the…

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