Chronicle of Higher Education
This week I'd like to touch on a two surveys related to adjuncts (and writing). The first is a recent survey done by The Chronicle of Higher Education. It's dated.
In September, there were pieces in The Chronicle ( and on ( about the New Faculty Majority. September, it seems, is the time of year when people’s thoughts turn.
Let's be honest; Pope Benedict XVI has little charisma. Whereas John Paul II was the Frank Sinatra of the Vatican, Pope Benedict is more the Joey Bishop of the Papal.
On April 20th, a fellow writing for The Chronicle of Higher Education in a column called the "Two-Year Track" published an essay titled "Why Adjuncts Have an Edge (Except When.
Just a quick entry to let folks know that I am blogging about part-time faculty at The Chronicle of Higher Education. Click here to read my February 26, 2009 entry..
It's easy to spread rumors. It's easy to take myths and, by constant repetition, give them the patina of reality. George W. Bush was a master at this artistic skill..