Adjunct Advocate

January was a little scary...ok...a lot scary. We watched, more than slightly terrified, as sales dropped and dropped and, well, you get the picture. February, normally a slow month for sales of books, subscriptions and job postings, was a record month in terms of sales....

I want to take a moment and wish everyone Happy Holidays! I'm spending the school break with my family at home. We're enjoying over 14 inches of snow at the.

For the past week, I have been on holiday with my family in California. Family from Italy is visiting, and we all decided to take a trip to California together..

Listen to my blog entry here. I have this disconcerting habit of answering the phone in a way that makes people think they have reached an answering machine. It's somewhat embarrassing. "Good afternoon, this is the Adjunct Advocate and Part-Time Press." Invariably, there is a...

I want to wish a thoughtful and reflective Memorial Day to all of the Adjunct Advocate's readers, and all of the visitors who come and use the resources at

Listen to my blog entry here. Just a couple of hours after posting my blog piece that mentions selling Adjunct Advocate, over at the American Federation of Teachers Craig Smith had this to say. Well, kind of this to say. He offers my blog posting...
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