Going the Distance


Analog: A signal that is received in the same form in which it is transmitted, while the amplitude and frequency may vary. Amplitude: The amount of variety…


by Jo Gibson Adjunct faculty have a wide comfort zone: they prepare lectures, monitor classroom discussion, devise tests, assign grades–no problem! However, even for faculty with wide-ranging…


by Evelyn Beck and Sharon M. Lightner IS TODAY’S COLLEGE classroom flexible enough to include 20 students at four colleges in four countries attending the same class…


by Evelyn Beck It will take longer than you think. That’s some of the wisdom offered by one course designer about the process of moving your traditional…

by Evelyn Beck First off, to nab an on-line teaching job, you had better know your way around the Internet. “The main thing I look for is…

by Evelyn Beck Not too long ago, Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) brought its adjuncts into the twenty-first century. “It’s hard to imagine anyone working without e-mail…

by Evelyn Beck In Scott Simkins’s economics classes at North Carolina State University in Greensboro, N.C., students try to predict the future—but not for traditional economics subjects.…

by Evelyn Beck Because most of the students in her on-line algebra class are soldiers, Sharon Davis takes it in stride when someone disappears temporarily. “If they’re…

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