Keith Hoeller
On the 20th of November, the New York Times ran a piece titled "Decline of Tenure Track Raises Concerns." In that piece, Keith Hoeller, an adjunct activist from Washington State,.
by Kristen Kennedy Recent figures put the number of contingent faculty working in colleges and universities at 65 percent of the 1.3 million faculty currently teaching in the United States. We.
by P.D. Lesko A group calling itself Contingent Faculty for Equality has published an “Alternate Vision for the College for All Act of 2021.” It is a “One-Tier Model of.
by Keith Hoeller For nearly a decade, the American Federation of Teachers and the Washington Education Association have sought to replace the part-time faculty they represent with the full-time faculty.
Washington Part-Time Faculty Association leader Keith Hoeller testified before the Washington State Legislature: “Though the bill repeatedly uses the words “equity and inclusion,” this bill will increase the inequities and.
Edited by Keith Hoeller, Vanderbilt University Press, 2014, paperback. by Deborah Straw In Equality for Contingent Faculty, edited by Keith Hoeller, longtime academic labor activist John Hess is quoted as.