Campus Equity Week
Lettori Win Again But Fear Houdini Tactics The information necessary to disprove the claims in David Petrie’s (Jan/Feb 2002) response to Domenico Pacitti’s “Lettori Win Again But Fear Italian Houdini.
The Rollercoaster of Remediation Ms. Jennifer Bradner’s “The Rollercoaster of Remediation” obviously comes from a good heart, but everything in my 20 years of teaching (tenured and adjunct) tells me she’s dead.
Campus Equity Week ran from October 28, 2013-November 2, 2013. The goal of CEW is to draw attention to the working conditions of the nation’s non-tenured faculty. Campus Equity Week was.
by P.D. Lesko This brief history of Campus Equity Week comes from long-time adjunct activist Chris Storer: The issues of contingent academic employment in higher education are, we believe, universal..