
In September, there were pieces in The Chronicle ( and on ( about the New Faculty Majority. September, it seems, is the time of year when…

People send me letters, emails, newsletters, book proposals, pleas for money, applications for employment, and all manner of information. Yesterday, I got a faxed copy of the…

Listen to my blog entry here. Everyone hurries through certain tasks. I hurry through brushing my hair sometimes in the morning if I am up late. I…

Ever been struck by lightning? Ever won $1,000,000 bucks in the lottery? Ever had a tenure-track job handed to you? Hell's Bells, then, you're never standing in…


Today, at, and on the AFT Face Talk blog, we have the makings of a bona fide tizzy. Ms. Margaret West lost her job as a…


Listen to my blog entry here. I have been reading, with interest, the whoop-la over at the AFT about its FACE initiative. Craig Smith has given over…

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