Unconventional Wisdom


by Marcus L. Herzberg I teach an introductory course in the social foundations of education for students considering becoming teachers. As a course requirement, my students must complete a…


by Chris Cumo Underemployment and unemployment have plagued the humanities for 30 years, writes Robert Weisbuch, president of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, in “The Year of Full…


by Christopher Cumo PERHAPS THE 21st century will be the era of the virtual classroom. In 1998, 1.6 million of America’s 14.5 million college and university students took at least…

by Christopher Cumo AS MANY AS 46 percent of postsecondary faculty are part-time, remarked Jane Buck, AAUP president at its annual meeting last June. Richard Moser, AAUP associate…

by Lee Shainen IN THE AUGUST 12th edition of Parade, this headline caught my eye: “Help for Failing English Students.” As an English teacher, I was obliged to…

by Lee Shainen LIVING IN THE desert where the annual rainfall is perhaps ten inches, one paradoxically, learns a lot about rain. Considering that all of the rain…

by Lee Shainen EVER SEE THAT commercial about herding cats? It reminds me of trying to get adjuncts to organize. Faculty members, in general, are an independent and…

by Lee Shainen CONVENTIONAL WISDOM DICTATES that adjuncts have no power; their voices are not heard, except in the classroom. The voice of unconventional wisdom says, au contraire.…

by Lee Shainen SOUND LIKE THE scenario for an educational drama a la “The Odd Couple?” (Well, one of us can afford more expensive clothes.) Nope, it’s just…

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