

This issue marks the second time we have looked at the use of part-time faculty in countries other than the United States. The first time, in the…


by P.D. Lesko September is a very busy month for part-time faculty. Some aren’t sure what their final teaching schedules will look like, others have their courses,…


by P.D. Lesko In this issue of the magazine, we take a look at The Chronicle of Higher Education. The newspaper, which has been covering higher education…


by Shari Dinkins “It gives the student a third point,” my full-time colleague says. I nod. “So that you are not the target.” Ah, yes, I nod…


by P.D. Lesko IN NOVEMBER OF 2001, a San Francisco part-time faculty activist, Margaret Quan, sent me an e-mail. She wrote that during the previous month she’d…


by Shari Dinkins I ONCE SAW this notice in the San Francisco Chronicle: Workaholics Anonymous meeting. Tuesday, 8:00 pm. Church at 16th and Church Street. We understand…


by P.D. Lesko THE QUESTION WAS thorny: How could California community college part-time and full-time faculty pay be equalized? The answer was an elegant and simple idea…

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