by Diane J. Goldsmith, Ph.D. Feedback. Feedback. Feedback • Feedback needs to be timely: “Personal communication and prompt feedback on assignments are essential for any course to be a success.” • Feedback should include grades: “Feedback in the form of grades is essential, and it...
Going the Distance
by Joe McKendrick More than six million college and university students took at least one online course during the fall 2010 term, an increase of 560,000 students over the previous.
By Nancy A. Walker, Ph.D. How do adult students benefit from a collaborative learning environment? As an online facilitator/faculty member, we are to foster and support collaboration between students. Needless.
By Rich Russell PART I: The Machine Never Stops My mom said to me recently, “In twenty-five years, none of this [waving arms about to indicate college building] will.