teaching online

Late last night, amid the rush to post homework to my grad classes, I started chatting with a colleague. While we have our educational endeavors in common, we come from different places professionally prior to this point. During the course of discussing the attributes of...
By some people’s definition, "adjunct" may be synonym for "insanity." One might agree on those days we are scattered and burdened with oodles of papers to grade. If you have ever eyed a picket-white straitjacket as an alternative to grading assignments, read on for some...
by Cynthia L. Corritore, Ph.D. Most faculty in higher education tend to teach the way they were taught—I know this is true for me. And like most of my colleagues today, I have never taken an online course as a student. So when I was...
by Evelyn Beck IT’S NOT EASY, mostly due to student resistance, but online group projects can be undertaken successfully. And if they’re handled well, the experience can mirror real kinds of on-line collaboration that today’s students will face increasingly in their careers. Students don’t like on-line groups, mainly because such...
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