sessional faculty

January was a little scary...ok...a lot scary. We watched, more than slightly terrified, as sales dropped and dropped and, well, you get the picture. February, normally a…

I was reading the other day about the recent Canadian Council on Learning's report on post-secondary education in the Toronto Globe and Mail. It was almost too…


The Ontario Public Service Employees Union has kicked off a campaign to change the law that bars part-time college staff from unionizing. “Ontario is the only province…


by Christopher Cumo In Canada, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) represents full-time faculty, and roughly equal numbers of sessionals (part-time fac-ulty) and graduate students, estimates…


by Christopher Cumo In Canada, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) represents full-time faculty, and roughly equal numbers of sessionals (part-time fac-ulty) and graduate students, estimates…

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