P.D. Lesko
By P.D. Lesko Over the course of the past three years, adjunct and part-time faculty have been systematically scape-goated for any number of problems plaguing the Academy. Students dropping out.
By P.D. Lesko My kids wanted a $1,200 LEGO set. They wanted it badly. They waaaaaaanted it now. They tried to justify the cost. It was important. It was educational..
By P.D. Lesko Keith Hoeller and I have known each other for many years. Like me, Keith advocates for part-time faculty. In my case, I do it nationally. Keith has.
By P.D. Lesko I'm starting to get jealous of AdjunctNation.com's Juggling 101 blogger Kat Kiefer-Newman. Her blog posts are shared and shared and shared on Facebook with a regularity that.
The email invitation to blog for AdjunctNation.com went out to about 1,000 part-time faculty registered on the site. The replies came back, some within minutes. The application instructions were exact..
The email invitation to blog for AdjunctNation.com went out to about 1,000 part-time faculty registered on the site. The replies came back, some within minutes. The application instructions were exact..