P.D. Lesko

By P.D. Lesko I had the pleasure of publishing Jack Longmate's writing many years ago. He has been writing and speaking out on behalf of Washington State's non-tenured faculty for many years. Along with Washington State adjunct activist Keith Hoeller, I would venture to say...
By P.D. Lesko The new E-Zine content went up and there are a couple of pieces that deal directly with the question of whether higher education will be the next "bubble" to burst. In "A College Education of Diminishing Returns," the writer, Eric Fry, examines...
I couldn't resist putting two and two together. The Washington Post has a piece today about the fact that more women than men snagged Ph.Ds during the 2008-2009 academic year. Then, the Post readership is discussing the oh-so-pressing topic:  Why are women surpassing men academically? Since...
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