part-time lecturers
Part-time lecturers at universities nationwide will be given the same status as the regular teaching staff under a new plan of the Presidential Committee on Social Cohesion, in conjunction.
Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA) has backed the university’s new reforms, saying they will strengthen the quality of education and reduce wastage of resources. Speaking to, MUASA.
“After I tried to overcome various obstacles for four years, I finally found a place to rest here in Austin. …The reason why I am writing this is to prevent.
“After I tried to overcome various obstacles for four years, I finally found a place to rest here in Austin. …The reason why I am writing this is to prevent.
One morning recently, throngs of workers were rushing to their offices on the slippery road. But amidst them was a white-haired couple taking down a rain-soaked green-colored camping tent to.
Rutgers University’s nearly 1,000 part-time lecturers have approved a new four-year contract with the university. The Rutgers Council of the American Association of University Professors, which represents the lecturers, said.