Last Friday, we added an absolutely wonderful podcast interview with Smokey Thomas, President of OPSEU. In the 20 minute interview, Thomas talks at length about the union's drive to organize all of the part-time faculty in Ontario, Canada. It is an unprecedented effort to organize...

Untitled Documentby P.D. Lesko Just like the lyric from the “West Side Story” song, it’s “alarming how charming” Smokey Thomas is. He has a strong Canadian accent, speaks rapidly and.

Untitled Documentby P.D. Lesko Just like the lyric from the “West Side Story” song, it’s “alarming how charming” Smokey Thomas is. He has a strong Canadian accent, speaks rapidly and.

Two hundred part-time teachers and support staff at Durham College are being included in one of the largest union membership drives in Ontario history. The Ontario Public Services Employees Union (OPSEU) has launched a massive drive to recruit more than 12,500 part-time faculty and support...
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