The MLA is hurting financially. At the Philadelphia conference, the organization's leadership voted to increase dues for the first time since 1993. I'd say 16 years of holding firm on.
The session presentation was titled “Optimizing the Use of Part-Time Faculty.” Titles like this make me queasy, because “optimizing” people generally goes well for those doing the optimizing and badly.
by P.D. Lesko Adjunct Advocate has enjoyed the support of the Modern Language Association for well over a decade. This should come as no surprise, particularly in light of the.
by Elizabeth J. Carter A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while it holds good it has got to be pursued with apostolic zeal.—Mohandas Gandhi The.
by P.D. Lesko I scanned the list of signers, and recognized many of the names. Good, hardworking people. Well-intentioned people. I’ve met many of them at conferences over the years..
If colleges and universities were serious about making school more affordable, they could start herding professors back into their classrooms. The declining teaching load of tenured professors and tenure-track faculty.