by Henry Rodgers When I emigrated from Ireland to Italy in 1988 I had no inkling that I would become involved in a marathon campaign to end discrimination against foreign.
by Henry Rodgers Lettori Litigation in Europe European Court of Justice (ECJ) : Based in Luxembourg, the ECJ is the pinnacle institution of the European Union with supremacy over all.
by Henry Rodgers “The European Commission asks that the Court of Justice impose on the Italian Republic a penalty payment of EUR 309,750 for each day’s delay in complying with.
FOR YEARS THEY have been working alongside their Italian colleagues, teaching English and other languages to classes sometimes numbering 150, earning a fraction of the Italians’ salary and enjoying none.
Lettori Win Again But Fear Houdini Tactics The information necessary to disprove the claims in David Petrie’s (Jan/Feb 2002) response to Domenico Pacitti’s “Lettori Win Again But Fear Italian Houdini.
by Domenico Pacitti OVER 650 ANGRY students from the faculty of foreign languages and literature at the University of Bari in southern Italy have petitioned the rector to reinstate their original language teachers..