Kat Kiefer-Newman
By P.D. Lesko Our Facebook page is picking up speed. Users are beginning to comment, and make their "likes" known. All of our Nation Blogs are linked to Twitter. In.
By Kat Kiefer-Newman For some reason, a lot of my high school graduating class has moved from my city into the rolling farmlands right next door. This rural town is.
By Kat Kiefer-Newman Yesterday was the California Shake-Out. This feels like a statewide acknowledgment that the world really will end in 2012 (the year that the Mayan calendar ends), and.
By Kat Kiefer-Newman Do you remember writing those horrible gradeschool essays "What I did for my summer vacation"? I always hated those because we rarely did anything at all. I.
By Kat Kiefer-Newman We love our mothers. And because we love our mothers we've dedicated a day every year to saying so. By we I don't just mean here in.
By Kat Kiefer-Newman Recently, I was at a fellow adjunct's house relaxing, enjoying a glass of something sweet, and talking about dining with several other colleagues. Without any warning one.