Kat Kiefer-Newman

By Kat Kiefer-Newman I hate tests. Maybe that's an odd confession from an instructor, but it's true. It doesn't matter if it's an academic test, either. I react poorly to having blood tests, having to take DMV tests, personality tests (although I am rather fond...

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Do you remember writing those horrible gradeschool essays "What I did for my summer vacation"? I always hated those because we rarely did anything at all. I.

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Do the clothes really make the (wo)man? This is a debate that frequently comes up in my classrooms, and I've also dealt with it at home while raising two daughters. As academics, we like to believe that we are above superficial judgements,...

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Recently, I was at a fellow adjunct's house relaxing, enjoying a glass of something sweet, and talking about dining with several other colleagues. Without any warning one.

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Spring seems to finally be here. I know because over on my Facebook page people have been posting for a couple of weeks now warmer temperatures, pictures of their gardens bursting with color, and recipes for homemade peeps. Breaks come and go....
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