Greg Beatty

This week Deborah Louis was kind enough to speak with us. Though she has since stepped down, Deborah was co-chair of the New Faculty Majority: The National…

Clayton M. Christensen is primarily known for his work on innovation. His books The Innovator's Dilemma and The Innovator's Solution are required reading for business innovators (and…

In between these actual posts about writing and adjuncts, the subject is always simmering in the back of my mind. What is the relationship? What should the…

As the number and percentage of adjunct faculty members has risen, various groups have been formed to meet their needs. Some are unions, some closer to support…

As we've seen in previous posts, many adjuncts write. They write well, prolifically, and usefully; they win awards for their writing. Some publish scholarship in their field;…

This week we're shifting focus a bit. Dana S. Dunn is Professor of Psychology at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Moravian is a small and selective liberal…

Blogging is a lot like teaching. You start with one project, and then you add another and another, until you're juggling one more topic than you can…

If you're an adjunct, scrambling to make ends meet, how do you find time to write? Well, if you look Jill Carroll's advice on time management for…

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