Greg Beatty

Blogging is a lot like teaching. You start with one project, and then you add another and another, until you're juggling one more topic than you can track, and you hope that whoever is watching is enjoying the show, or at least paying attention. Along...

If you're an adjunct, scrambling to make ends meet, how do you find time to write? Well, if you look Jill Carroll's advice on time management for adjuncts in The Chronicle from.

I received a brief and surprising email today. The first surprise was that the email arrived at all. You see, I'd emailed Elizabeth Strout, whose complex and often lovely novel in stories Olive Kitteridge. (If you haven't read Olive Kitteridge, I highly suggest it. There's...

As I noted last week, many schools don't have a strong sense that adjuncts write. (Okay, that's putting it mildly…) As a result, they don't provide much funding for conference.

When I started talking to people about the entire adjuncts/writing question, the first answers I got were sort of depressing: comments about writing got lumped in with general complaints about the overall state of affairs for adjuncts, which means comments on writing got lumped in...

This week we've got a rare perspective on the question of adjuncts and writing: a brief interview with a university president who is also a former adjunct. Alan Walker is.

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