Greg Beatty

In between these actual posts about writing and adjuncts, the subject is always simmering in the back of my mind. What is the relationship? What should the…

When I started talking to people about the entire adjuncts/writing question, the first answers I got were sort of depressing: comments about writing got lumped in with…

[private]As the number and percentage of adjunct faculty members has risen, various groups have been formed to meet their needs. Some are unions, some closer to support…

This week Deborah Louis was kind enough to speak with us. Though she has since stepped down, Deborah was co-chair of the New Faculty Majority: The National…

One of the factors defining academic writing, and distinguishing it from writing in the rest of the world, is that it is graded. Grading is an area…

It is easy for those of us who are toiling away as full-time adjuncts (if you'll allow me that supposed oxymoron) forget how flexible and multifaceted that…

Recently I had two experiences that made me realize how much I'd changed, and how much things have changed. (Stay with me—this really is about adjuncts and…

Take a look at the Adjunct Writing Instructor Group on Ning. No, seriously. Go ahead. It won't take you long. It is, or rather was, a group…

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