
by Kimberley Glover AFTER TEACHING ON-LINE for four years, I have come to expect that my phone will ring several times on Sunday night around 11:30 p.m.,…

by Susan Mazur-Stommen, Ph.D. I HAVE A DEEP-SEATED prejudice against people from certain states, those that tend to vaunt creationism over evolution, for instance. I have a…

I attended the National Council of Teachers of English CCCC’s conference this past March. Held in San Francisco, the event spanned three days and included, literally, hundreds…

[private] by Nancy Fioritto Patete I AM, AMONG OTHER things, an adjunct instructor at a community college. Recently, the politics of my job got to me. This…

by Susan Mazur-Stommen The term “freeway flyer” doesn’t exactly evoke the image of a marathoner, complete with super-low body mass index, ultra-oxygenation, and rippling abs. In fact,…

by S.M. Street A faculty lounge conversation led to a year’s full-time appointment, then another two at a state-university branch where I’d taught as adjunct for several…

I didn’t plan for all of the features in this issue to deal with part-time faculty unionization, but sometimes the best plans simply aren’t made—they happen. So…

by Rob Schnelle A Faculty Development Day Conference at Nimby State University February 6, 2005 “If you have achieved excellence, let others light their candle off it.”—Carmen…

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