First Person


by Elaina Loveland Adjuncts are more catered to than ever. helps part-time faculty find jobs. Academic publishers Allyn & Bacon/Longman and Houghton Mifflin host Web sites…

by Howard Good It seems to me–granted, I’m a cranky person–that we often look in the wrong places for the right things. Want to raise student achievement?…


by Patricia G. Selinger We need to get behind the message that science and engineering are gender-blind. At a time when information-technology companies scour the Earth in search of…


by Ronald Wolk Our institutions of higher learning have played a critical role in shaping the nation’s public schools, but, unfortunately, their influence has been largely negative. Colleges and universities…

by Christopher Cumo C.P. SNOW regarded the humanities and sciences as different systems; its differences extend to the number of visiting scholars in each. Recently, 16 of 519 faculty…

by Christopher Cumo C.P. SNOW regarded the humanities and sciences as different systems; its differences extend to the number of visiting scholars in each. Recently, 16 of 519 faculty…

by Jo Gibson IT WASN’T UNTIL recently, as I neared the end of my twenty-year-plus career as an editor and writer, that I embarked on my second, part-time,…


by Jennifer Block Bradner YOU PARK YOUR car in the parking lot. You approach the ticket window. You purchase a ticket and enter the gates. You have…

by Peter Temes WHEN I LEFT academe, I often thought about the title of Milan Kundera’s book Life Is Elsewhere. Like many scholars, I had the feeling that intellectual life…

by Brian Caterino THE POLITICS OF the Internet often defy conventional classification. Take the Napster dispute. Supporting the large media conglomerates is the heavy-metal rock group Metallica. They oppose free music…

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