A Little Raillery

The following is satire, for those who don’t understand. “I, Niccolo Machiavelli, would like to lend my genius to solving “The Part-Time Problem” in American colleges. Part-timers…

I have been reading a book about the history of conversation on and off for the past few weeks. I may as well tell you that I…


by Matthew Henry Hall In the drugstore, Mahito, a tall young guy, an exchange student, held up the box of Midol. “Good for headache?” he asked. “Sure,”…

by Susan Mazur-Stommen The term “freeway flyer” doesn’t exactly evoke the image of a marathoner, complete with super-low body mass index, ultra-oxygenation, and rippling abs. In fact,…

by Rob Schnelle A Faculty Development Day Conference at Nimby State University February 6, 2005 “If you have achieved excellence, let others light their candle off it.”—Carmen…

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