What the *#@% is an Adjunctocracy? (or Karl Marx, Margaret Spellings, and Myself Do a Little Dance, Make a Little Love, Get Down Tonight . . . I mean, Reinvent The Future of Higher Ed.)

by Matthew Henry Hall As Karl Marx once said, “Keep the baby, but when you chuck the bath water, toss out that nasty old bathtub too.” Okay, Karl Marx never said that, but it does, metaphorically at least, get at my first overarching point. Higher Education doesn’t need just a few policy changes; it needs a whole new bathtub. Margaret Spellings, the U. S. Secretary of Education, concurs. Her dream tub and my dream tub may differ, but we both agree the current tub’s gotten kinda nasty. Over a year ago, Spellings, and her “Commission” of experts issued a report […]