The Mentor Is In

This past week, there was an article in InsideHigherEd about a professor who found herself yanked from her biology classroom at Louisiana State University after students complained…

Over the years I have given a great deal of thought to grading, incentives, and fairness.  One anecdote will illustrate what started me on the road to…

[private]Pedagogy is the art of getting people to learn. As college professors, teaching people how to learn is at the heart of our profession.  The activities we…

This blog has been geared toward introductory classes and those teaching them, since my assumption is that a blog on teaching tips will be most attractive to…

Folks new to the college experience, whatever their age or pathway, are expecting teachers.  The trouble is that teaching is a whole other profession, with a completely…

Despite the many social and demographic changes that have resulted in colleges and universities welcoming a wider variety of non-traditional students (from returning women to life-long learners)…

For an adjunct, one of the biggest hassles can be managing diverse avenues of communication at multiple schools. At the beginning of every academic year I consider…

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