Negotiating the Paradox: Adjuncts & Writing

It is easy for those of us who are toiling away as full-time adjuncts (if you'll allow me that supposed oxymoron) forget how flexible and multifaceted that…

Recently I had two experiences that made me realize how much I'd changed, and how much things have changed. (Stay with me—this really is about adjuncts and…

I've mentioned from time to time how little research has been done about the shift in the academic labor force to primarily adjunct faculty that defines us…

[private]Last week I sketched out the issues surrounding adjuncts and grading in general. This week these issues were brought home in a specific experience, one that is…

I'd promised you more interviews. This week is the first installment in an extended interview with Dr. Kirk Astle, Director of College Writing for Baker College Online…

I'm not sure how I feel about wordriver, but I'm glad it exists, and I'm wildly intrigued. You see, wordriver is a new (as of 2009) literary…

Take a look at the Adjunct Writing Instructor Group on Ning. No, seriously. Go ahead. It won't take you long. It is, or rather was, a group…

Last week we shared the first portion of an interview with Dr. Kirk Astle, Director of College Writing at Baker College Online. This week we conclude that…

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