
I received a brief and surprising email today. The first surprise was that the email arrived at all. You see, I'd emailed Elizabeth Strout, whose complex and often lovely novel in stories Olive Kitteridge. (If you haven't read Olive Kitteridge, I highly suggest it. There's...

As I noted last week, many schools don't have a strong sense that adjuncts write. (Okay, that's putting it mildly…) As a result, they don't provide much funding for conference.

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Do you remember writing those horrible gradeschool essays "What I did for my summer vacation"? I always hated those because we rarely did anything at all. I.

I have mentioned in a past blog the amount of time I spend writing and answering email on an average day (one hour for four or five email accounts) and what a great tool it is for freeway flyers. Messages from the colleges for whom...
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