
In his recent (2009) book Designing the Smart Organization author Roland Deiser primarily focuses on learning in the corporate environment. In fact, one of his starting points is…

Whew! I'm exhausted. Ahem. Let me start again. Like many adjuncts, I teach for more than one school. These schools vary in their commitment to, and treatment…

Several years ago, while I was finishing my dissertation, I was teaching as an adjunct at North Carolina State University. One day while I was walking to…


by Laurie Ann Britt-Smith After 20 years of teaching academic writing to both native speakers and English language learners, I can attest that at some point, just…


By Kat Kiefer-Newman Do the clothes really make the (wo)man? This is a debate that frequently comes up in my classrooms, and I've also dealt with it…

Last week we shared the first portion of an interview with Dr. Kirk Astle, Director of College Writing at Baker College Online. This week we conclude that…

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