online teaching
I am one of those people, I use a Mac. My schools and online students do not know this, as I am mainstream about most things loaded on it. I.
by Jodi Menees I have a friend who teaches online at over 10 institutions and I was shocked when she told me that she does not give out her phone.
When we were students, we spent time researching the schools we wanted to attend. We looked at the reputation, ranking, degree choices, cost and alignment to our personal goals. We.
What is the maximum course load that an online instructor should undertake? Does the fact that a person can work at home provide the increased energy and stamina to teach.
by John D. Edwards AACE JOURNAL (AACEJ) The Journal of Online Learning Research (JOLR) is a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the theoretical, empirical, and pragmatic understanding of technologies and.
by Molly McCluskey For some, they’re a blessing: a chance to focus less on course development and more on the actual teaching. For some, they’re a curse: eroding academic freedom.