Melissa McDonald
By Melissa McDonald I'm starting a new job this semester, and so far, I am seeing good things in regards to faculty support, but that is not always the case..
By Melissa McDonald In my area, for-profit colleges and universities have really stepped up recruiting efforts. When watching TV, for example, I see 2-3 commercials at every commercial break, often.
By Melissa McDonald I once had a student who claimed he did not have a culture. "Of course, you do," I explained. "You just don't see it because you're used.
By Melissa McDonald Imagine walking into your department head's office and saying, "I'm giving up my full-time renewable teaching position to pursue adjunct teaching several states away." Okay, so I didn't.
By Melissa McDonald A couple months ago, my fellow Adjunct By Choice, Ron Tinsley, gave us his reasons for considering and then not pursuing a Ph.D. in "Just a Side.
By Melissa McDonald Every term, I always have at least one student who says, quite brazenly, some variation of "I hate being forced to write, and I'm in this class.