by Christopher Cumo Like nearly every college and university, Santa Rosa Junior College in Santa Rosa, California relies on part-time faculty. With 320 full-time faculty, the College employs 1100…
Faculty Senate
by P.D. Lesko On Feb. 22, 2017, Blaine Greteman, an associate professor of English at the University of Iowa, penned an essay for The Chronicle of Higher Education…
The Faculty Senate at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas unanimously passed a proposal that would create two new positions on the governing body to represent contingent faculty—part time…
Researchers at Winchester Tech have finally ended the ubiquitous nature/nurture debate about the onset of Premature Arrogance Syndrome (PAS) in campus elected officials. “We’ve made the mistake…
by H. Teague Faculty Senates have typically excluded non-tenured faculty. In fact, Faculty Senates have remained bastions of privilege, as an AdjunctNation feature article revealed. In 2005,…
By Rob Bradfield Faculty lecturers seeking promotions at Baylor have a new set of rules to learn. The Baylor chapter of the American Association of University Professors…