Eastern Michigan University
ISSUING A DECISION in favor of the Eastern Michigan University Lecturers Organizing Congress (EMULOC), the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) has granted the right of union representation to full-time lecturers at Eastern.
by Roger Kerson EMU-AAUP represents more than 680 faculty members at Eastern Michigan University. EMUFT represents more than 100 full-time EMU lecturers and library staff, and over 600 part-time EMU lecturers..
by P.D. Lesko President Obama came to Ann Arbor to tell the country that federal aid to colleges should be tied to tuition costs. Federal aid to students would remain.
By Krista Gjestland Many Eastern Michigan University faculty members have not been receiving their payroll on time. Several lecturers and union members spoke out on the issue during Thursday’s Board of Regents.