Distance Learning
By Ron Tinsley Since we are coming to the end of the end of this decade and with the end of the world looming (have you seen the movie about.
Eleven of the Hottest Software Programs for Distance Learning: Don’t Boot Your Computer without Them
by Steven N. Pyser, J.D. Distance learning faculty are experiencing the Chinese proverb, “May you live in exciting times.” Computers are fully integrated into our lives. Technological advances.

Eleven of the Hottest Software Programs for Distance Learning: Don’t Boot Your Computer without Them
by Steven N. Pyser, JD Many educational institutions are offering distance education as an instructional option. Job opportunities for adjunct faculty are said to be growing; yet, some faculty are.
by Evelyn Beck Does teaching on-line take more time than teaching a face-to- face class? “Yes, it certainly does,” says Thomas Nolan, who teaches on-line nursing courses and directs The Center for.
Michelle Everson I celebrated an anniversary recently. It's been five years since I taught my first online course. When I first started to think about teaching online, I realized I.
By Bruce A. Johnson, Ph.D., MBA Do you have an option to utilize an online classroom shell? Many institutions are offering adjunct instructors an ability to implement this feature. Some.