college teaching

by Thomas N. Robb Virtually every educational institution has by now adopted a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or CMS (Course Management System) for use either as an adjunct to its traditional courses (often called a “blended” or ”hybrid” course system), or as a tool for...
by Howard Good It seems to me–granted, I’m a cranky person–that we often look in the wrong places for the right things. Want to raise student achievement? Put computers in the classroom. Want to make schools more accountable? Mandate high-stakes testing. Want to improve teaching?...

by Chris Cumo The semester’s end has a routine of its own centered on final exams and grade tabulations. But no part of the routine carries more weight than teaching.

by Evelyn Beck As distance education evolves from a totally on-line environment plagued by higher-than-average attrition rates, more options may make it easier for students to find the right match for the way they learn best. And many advocates say that increasingly popular hybrid courses...
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