Cary Nelson

Here's the question: Do full-time faculty members help students finish college? Kevin Carey, a Washington, DC think tank director, posed this question on the Chronicle's Brainstorm blog.…

By now, mainstream media outlets have published hundreds, if not thousands of pieces about the plight of part-time faculty. On March 31st, The Nation joined the fray…

[private]I read the AAUP's magazine, Academe, faithfully. I had a very cordial relationship with Dr. Mary Burgan, the long-time General Secretary of AAUP. Mary and I had…


Listen to my blog entry here. I just spent a very lively hour or so chatting with the President of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)…

  Over at the American Association of University Professors, it’s election season. The candidates for the presidency are Dr. Cary Nelson and Mr. Thomas E. Guild, J.D..…

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