
Blogging is a lot like teaching. You start with one project, and then you add another and another, until you're juggling one more topic than you can track, and you hope that whoever is watching is enjoying the show, or at least paying attention. Along...
The email invitation to blog for went out to about 1,000 part-time faculty registered on the site. The replies came back, some within minutes. The application instructions were exact. Many who responded asked for more information. They didn't have specific questions; they just wanted...
On the front page of the site, there is a feature called The Daily Excuse. Family members can log in and leave their best student excuses. Those excuses rotate on the front page. I thought it might be fund to post a longer...

[private]People are always ready to give advice. The truth is that giving advice is never as easy as it seems. I am willing to bet that somewhere in the mapping.

This week Deborah Louis was kind enough to speak with us. Though she has since stepped down, Deborah was co-chair of the New Faculty Majority: The National Coalition for Adjunct Equity. Since the NFM engages numerous issues related to adjunct faculty and writing, and since...
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