
There is often no such thing as the traditional summer off for adjunct instructors who are paid per class. Many adjuncts who need income during the summer…

Adjunct faculty at Central Michigan University will vote for union representation in May 2010. Several adjunct faculty filed in February 2010 for a union representation election with…

by Rosella Eleanor LaFevre The Adjunct Organizing Committee, a group that aims to unionize Temple’s part-time faculty, declared the week of Nov. 16th Adjunct Awareness Week. Members…

While reading another blog, I saw a reader comment that the lay-offs of adjunct faculty will be the best thing that could ever happen to higher education…

[private]I read the AAUP's magazine, Academe, faithfully. I had a very cordial relationship with Dr. Mary Burgan, the long-time General Secretary of AAUP. Mary and I had…


by Tina Trent As the legislative session begins, so begins two annual, highly publicized tantrums: Tenured faculty at Florida research universities, who earn an average of $98,907…


These days, it seems there’s no stopping the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Just months after its successful effort to organize adjuncts at Pace University, the state’s largest…

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