By Ron Tinsley In my previous entry, "Predicting the Future of College Teaching: Robo Adjuncts & GPS Student Trackers," I offered up the first five of ten predictions concerning the future.
By Rich Russell It's beginning to look a lot like registration! I can tell by the long lines of students waiting to meet with academic advisers, or else camped outside.
Last June, the adjuncts and contingent faculty at Western Michigan University voted almost without dissent (207- 29) to ratify a contract for a new part-time instructor faculty union, the Professional.
There is often no such thing as the traditional summer off for adjunct instructors who are paid per class. Many adjuncts who need income during the summer need to line.
Organization is important for all college instructors, and is especially important for the Freeway Flyer. There are tricks that you can use that may simplify your professional life and make.
by Rosella Eleanor LaFevre The Adjunct Organizing Committee, a group that aims to unionize Temple’s part-time faculty, declared the week of Nov. 16th Adjunct Awareness Week. Members of the committee.