adjunct faculty activism

by Kip Lornell It took me the same number of years (seven-and-a-half) to earn a B.S., M.A., and Ph.D. as it did to help organize the part-time faculty The George Washington University and participate in the vote to ratify our initial contract. When an old...
Two hundred part-time teachers and support staff at Durham College are being included in one of the largest union membership drives in Ontario history. The Ontario Public Services Employees Union (OPSEU) has launched a massive drive to recruit more than 12,500 part-time faculty and support...
In California, one part-time faculty has decided to break away from their current union to achieve quality pay, healthcare benefits, and adequate representation on their own. That decision has created a lot of attention. United Faculty (UF) has represented Grossmont College in El Cajon and...
These days, it seems there’s no stopping the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Just months after its successful effort to organize adjuncts at Pace University, the state’s largest education union has brought together the adjunct faculty of Marymount College of Manhattan, who, on May 25, 2006,...
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News For the Adjunct Faculty Nation
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