

by Laura Yeager I’ve been an adjunct off and on since 1988. I’ve taught part-time English classes in Iowa, Ohio, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania. For the most…

I have been reading a book about the history of conversation on and off for the past few weeks. I may as well tell you that I…

by David Murray Most of us agree that life as a full-time adjunct is no kind of career. The pay is low, benefits are nonexistent, we have…

by Oronte Churm Readers of my regular dispatches for McSweeney’s Internet Tendency email me to say, “Oronte, you’re so erudite, so urbane! Your prose sparkles like a…

Look at the page preceding this one, and you will find yet another fabulous Matt Hall cartoon. Matt and I work together to come up with concepts…

by Don Rich His life as an adjunct collapsed with bitter irony one day when his dean called him into his office to tell him that a colleague…


I have been thinking about what it means to be a college faculty member. What does it mean to accept the responsibility of educating young people (not…


“Eating Well in Academe” To the Editor: When I read your recent report on adjunct pay (“Eating Well in Academe, Adjunct Advocate, July/August 2006), I had to…


by Doug Mann Our electronic times are out of joint. The bodies and minds of both educators and students have been snatched by the growing wave of…

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