

In California, one part-time faculty has decided to break away from their current union to achieve quality pay, healthcare benefits, and adequate representation on their own. That…


“The TKO of Washington State House Bill” To the Editor: I just read the article by Brooke Pielli, “The TKO of Washington State, House Bill 5802,” in…


These days, it seems there’s no stopping the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Just months after its successful effort to organize adjuncts at Pace University, the state’s largest…


Tara Conant is an adjunct in Massachusetts and teaches at two schools within 25 miles of each other—a drive that she can afford to make, even now…


In an era when college tuition increases outpace the rate of inflation and universities continue to rely heavily on the part-time professors who routinely make up 40…


What’s Mine is Mine and What’s Yours is Mine   To the Editor: Greetings. Thank you for publishing Paul Collins’s “What’s Mine Is Mine, and What’s Yours…

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