

You know how I love so-called equal percentage or across-the-board "raises" negotiated by union leaders on behalf of their part-time and full-time faculty. I love them just…

Tyler Junior College in East Texas serves 12,000 students. According to the JC's web site, 250 of its 456 faculty are full-time. For some odd reason, the…

I am presenting at the March 2009 National Council of English Teacher's CCCCs Conference in San Francisco. I just visited the NCTE's web site and used their…

AFT's Craig Smith is at it again. On July 17th, he "discovered" the book Managing Adjunct Faculty, a book published by our company the Part-Time Press. We…

Ok, "sucks" is a totally immature way to respond to anything, but geez (insert eye rolling here and that pffffft sound), a company that wants to charge…

Well, election day is drawing near, and my bid for a City Council seat on my small town of Ann Arbor, Michigan is drawing to a close.…

On June 23rd, I was asked to run for City Council in the town where I live, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Needless to say, I have been busy.…

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