Author: AdjunctNation Editorial Team

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Welcome back fellow adjuncts! I hope your holidays and break were full of fun and joy and happy times. I definitely had my share…

By Bruce A. Johnson, Ph.D., MBA In the first entry for this series, the following question was considered: why should an instructor care what their students are thinking?…

Is it me, or are The Chronicle of Higher Education and looking more and more alike and covering more and more of the same news? A…

As I noted last week, many schools don't have a strong sense that adjuncts write. (Okay, that's putting it mildly…) As a result, they don't provide much…

When I started talking to people about the entire adjuncts/writing question, the first answers I got were sort of depressing: comments about writing got lumped in with…

I have just started reading Dr. Mark Bousquet's book How The University Works: Higher Education and the Low-Wage Nation. I found Cary Nelson's introduction slightly out of…

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